Designed to save space and energy for the farmers
Half the space, but maintain the efficiency and high air flow using propitiatory media and design
The Beagro Box Filter utilizes a new generation of media that offers unmatched and innovative performance with verifiable cost savings – cost savings generated from:
• Reduced Shipping/Storage
• Reduced trips to and from air filter installation sites
• Reduced waste to landfill/recycler
• Reduced energy consumption
• Reduced freight cost (almost half of the 12″ filter)
• Reduced maintenance cost etc.
Next Generation of Media and Filter
What matters in filter design is high efficiency, low resistance and long service life (dust loading characteristics). So how is this achieved with the BEAGRO media? BEAGRO media may have the same basis weight as similar medias …. but with smaller diameter fibers it has significantly more surface area available to capture particles than similar medias with larger fibers. Looking at actual SEM images will help tell the story. Pictured are upstream and downstream surface of the BEAGRO media after it had been installed in a facility for two and a half years. The upstream side magnified 6,000 times shows a lot of particulate from 2 microns down to a few tenths of a single micron. The downstream side is free of particles. The BEAGRO media is performing as expected – stopping virtually all particulate matter from getting through the filter. This performance at ultra-low resistance does not happen by accident, but by design.